🎁 Contributing

How to contribute to the CodeYourFuture curriculum

💯 Free and open

Code Your Future is a free training programme for refugees, asylum seekers, and other people excluded from education. All our classes are free and our teachers are volunteers. Since 2016, we have supported hundreds of people into great jobs in tech.

We do our work in public. Our free and open source curriculum is collaboratively developed on GitHub by industry professionals around the world. We are a registered charity in the UK and a Digital Public Good.

Join our community. You are wanted and you are needed.

🤝🏽 Making Contributions

Look for issues labeled “up-for-grabs” - these are low context and suitable for new contributors. To work on an issue:

  • Comment on the issue to let others know you’re working on it
  • Fork the repo and create a branch feature/your-feature-name
  • Make your changes and submit a pull request
  • Ask for reviews from other contributors

If you’ve spotted a problem, please check the existing issues and join the conversation if one exists. If you’re the first to notice, please open a new issue to discuss it. If it’s just a typo or other small fix, please go ahead and directly open a PR.

When making changes, focus on clarity and beginner-friendliness.

🛟 Getting Help

If you are an outside contributor, please join discussions and open tickets on our GitHub repos. If you can @mention a core contributor, that will help us see your message. (There are hundreds of active repos, so we don’t always see everything.)

If you have joined our organisation, the #cyf-syllabus-tech channel is the best place to ask questions and get feedback.

You can also request a reviewers for your PR or pair program with an experienced contributor. We’re happy to help new volunteers learn the codebase. There is an open code review Google Hangout once a week where you can ask questions and get feedback live. (Get the link in Slack.)

Thanks for your interest! We’re excited to work with you to provide life-changing education for all.

🧑🏿‍💻 Joining the team

Lots and lots of volunteers worldwide contribute to the curriculum. You don’t have to join the Syllabus team to contribute, or even our our org.

But if you’d like to meet us and get more involved, join our organisation as a volunteer. Once onboarded, introduce yourself in the #cyf-syllabus-tech channel on Slack. Let us know you’d like to attend a meeting and add your agenda points to the meeting link posted in that channel.

The Global Syllabus volunteer team meets every two weeks online to talk strategy, take issues and plan the next sprint. We’d love to meet you!

  1. Contributors

  2. Minutes of the Global Syllabus Team

  3. Partners and Supporters

  4. Creating a Pull Request